The Australian Youth Aerospace Association (AYAA) team has been working hard to assess the feasibility of a 2021 Australian Universities Rocket Competition (AURC) in-person launch event. Rolling restrictions have hampered efforts to host such an event, which would provide Australia’s numerous university rocket teams an opportunity to compete and demonstrate their craft.
Unfortunately, the AYAA can now confirm that any in-person launch event in 2021 will not be possible.
The AYAA executive team is now in discussion with sponsors, teams, and other stakeholders in a bid to deliver AURC 2022.
The AYAA would like to extend an enormous thank you to ongoing supporters of the AURC; Defence Science and Technology Group, Australian Defence Business Review, Shoal Group, and MathWorks.
Without the support of sponsors, the AURC would not be possible.
Undoubtedly, AURC 2022 will require an experienced and professional organising group. Keep an eye on the opportunities page on the AYAA website for upcoming AURC opportunities.
The AYAA remains committed to the competition, teams and sponsors, and will strive to deliver an in-person launch event in 2022, if restrictions permit.