The AYAA is currently recruiting Safety Reviewers for our 2024 Australian Universities Rocket Competition (AURC). This is an exciting volunteer opportunity for experienced rocket fliers to guide tertiary student teams through the safe development and launching of their rockets.

    Please complete in full. DO NOT USE nicknames, acronyms or shortened versions of details.
    Before applying, please ensure that you meet all the requirements outlined in the 2024 AURC Safety Reviewers Information Package. For more information please the AURC Application website.

    Please provide your first name

    Please provide any middle name/s as necessary

    Please provide your last name

    Please feel free to provide a preferred name

    Please provide email address

    Please enter your phone number

    Please enter your current Workplace/Institution or N/A if not applicable.

    Please enter your current Job Title or N/A if not applicable.

    What city are you currently living in?.

    Please detail HPR certificaiton level,

    Please detail HPR member number and body (TRA, NAR, CAR),

    Please state any & all affiliations you have had/had with past/present AURC teams (ensuring to specify the teams as needed) or N/A if not applicable.

    If available, upload a rocket resume with details of your rocketry experience. (Note: Only PDF files are accepted)

    If you have any further information that is pertinent to your application, please include it here.

    Location to be announced 20th November 2023

    Volunteering as a FOR allows teams to compete where they do not have the opportunity to procure certifactions locally

    Fields with (*) are compulsory.